RTK Premium Netwerk
Discover how Boels Survey & Laser optimised their processes during a rapid European expansion, and still offered high-quality products and services with our RTK Enterprise solution.
MarXact is a Dutch GNSS software and hardware manufacturer. DIscover how marXact integrated our RTK Premium network to deliver an all-in-one solution to their European customers.
Coptrz is the UK’s leader in drone solutions across Survey, Inspection and public safety industries. Discover how they integrated our RTK Network to save money, reduce risk and increasing business efficiency.
Learn how DTC enhanced their INSS-products, so customers
could carry out international test drive campaigns more
efficiently and more focussed in multiple European countries.
Precieze plaatsbepaling voor iedereen, overal en altijd
Het grootste onafhankelijke hogeprecisienetwerk ter wereld
Bespreek uw wensen met ons gespecialiseerde team.
Bel ons op +31(0)850606338
Centraal park; Stadsplateau 27-29
3521 AZ Utrecht, Nederland
T: +31(0)850606338
M: info@premium-positioning.com
Kvk / KvK nummer: 76100413
BTW nummer: NL860507373B01